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Upcoming Events

The Girls Luncheon: Can You See Me?

This will be when we give our young girls the mic and listen to who they are and want to be. Countless research proves that youth who have one or more trusted adults will live longer and healthier lives. What does that mean, and how can we be better moms, aunties, and role models for our girls? This will be a memorable workshop for girls and their mom or mentor workshop buddy.

Parts of this workshop will be filmed as a mini-documentary and premiere during the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival (GCUFF) on Monday, September 23rd, 2024.

The luncheon is free but available for a limited number of girls. Registration will close by Tuesday, July 2nd, or when all seats are filled. Email for the registration link.


Youth participants will receive a gift card for participation.

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Join Us March 2, 2024 - GALA and Movie Premiere

Join Art of Me's annual red-carpet gala at the Cleveland Natural History Museum on Saturday, March 2nd. With doors opening at 5:30 pm and the program commencing at 6 pm, this exclusive event promises a showcase of young talent and a celebration of creativity, power, and community.


Witness the mesmerizing journey of "Sa'Kya's Dance" and the heart-stirring tale of "Life on Track." Enjoy exquisite hors d'oeuvres and beverages, all complimentary with your ticket, and the convenience of free valet parking.


Donate to support our cause. Secure your ticket now and be part of a brighter, more connected world.

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Schedule a Private Movie Screening

The winning stories are made into movies to explore positive solutions to issues impacting the quality of life for our youth and families. During this season, we are happy to be able to bring youth-led films to schools and organizations for private screenings. 


This is an opportunity to discuss movie themes, connect participants to community resources, and learning opportunities to be part of the next productions. 


Participants will also receive a take-home study guide that accompanies the film. 

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